Missionpalooza 2023 Registration Header Image

Missionpalooza 2023

July 9-14, 2023

Galveston, TX 

Annual Diocesan-Wide Mission Trip

Registration Information

Who May Attend Missionpalooza 2023?
Any student from rising 7th graders through just graduated seniors for the 2023-24 school year may attend Missionpalooza 2023. Safeguarded college students and adults may also attend as chaperones and group leaders.

Where and When is Missionpalooza 2023?
Missionpalooza will be July 9-14, 2023 in Galveston, TX. We are staying at Trinity Episcopal Church in Galveston, and our work will be with partner organizations in the area.

What is the Registration Procedure?
Both youth and adult leaders must be registered.
How to register: 
Step 1: Have every student and adult fill out the electronic application found below.
Step 2: Participants pay directly to their group, and then each group pays in one payment to the Diocese.
Step 3: If you are 18 years or older and have graduated from high school, you MUST be safeguarded through The Episcopal Diocese of Texas.

What if I cancel? 

Cancellation policies will be consistent with your sponsoring parish/youth minister's cancellation policy.

What if I Need a Scholarship? 
If you need a scholarship to attend Missionpalooza 2023, please contact your sponsoring youth minister or Stephanie Townes at stownes@epicenter.org.

What are the deadlines?
Each adult leader and youth participant must have a completed electronic application by June 1, 2023.

Basic Information

If you are over 18, what is the date of your last Safeguarding certification? (If you are unsure, ask your parish Safeguarding Administrator)

Parent Information

Parent or Guardian Name*

Medical Information

Emergency Contact Name*
Write "Self Pay" in next sections if Self Pay
Does this participant have allergies?*
Any over the counter medication that the participant MAY NOT receive from an adult sponsor?*
Date of last tetanus shot*

Mission Experience

What is your previous Mission experience?*

Signatures and Liability Forms

Diocesan Youth Ministry and Adult Leader Covenant

The Episcopal Diocese of Texas is committed to providing a safe place for all people, including youth who participate in Diocesan sponsored events. For that reason, the following expectations of conduct apply for participation in all diocesan youth events.

- The Diocese requires that all persons, including both adults and other youth, be treated with respect. Hazing, harassment, and any verbal, physical, or emotional abuse is specifically prohibited and will not be tolerated at any event.
- Any theft or destruction of personal property belonging to another or property belonging to the facility is forbidden and may lead to expulsion.
- Youth events provide an opportunity for youth to participate in activities that will lead to fellowship and bonding in Christ. Sexual activity is not permitted and can lead to removal from the event. - The use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs is strictly prohibited.
- The use or possession of weapons or fireworks is also prohibited, as are lighters, candles, or any open flame.
- Because of the distraction they pose, cell phones should not be used during any scheduled activities. Cell phones should never be used while driving.
- Although efforts will be made to resolve issues that arise, any violation of the prohibitions set forth above may lead to expulsion. If that occurs, parents will be informed and will be responsible for any expenses incurred as a result of the violation, including transportation home.

Please confirm by your signature below that you have read and understood these requirements for your participation, and that you agree to abide by them.

Please type Participant Name*


Due to past experience, the leadership team has come to an agreement that cell phones are too distracting to be allowed during mission trips. Our goal is to create an environment where participants can grow closer to God, each other, and the world where we are serving. Cell phones are a primary diversion in that environment. We do however understand that participants and their parents/guardians might need to be in contact in case of an emergency, such as family illnesses. Adult sponsors/Youth ministers will be the primary contact for parents/guardians in case of emergencies. With that in mind, participants should leave their cell phones at home OR surrender them to their adult sponsors/youth minister for safekeeping when arriving at the mission trip location.

Cell phones are NOT to be used at any time during the event except on Wednesday during free time unless the leadership team gives permission.

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature above
Please Type Participant Name*

Release of Liability

I hereby give permission for my child to attend and participate in a youth event sponsored by the Episcopal Diocese of Texas. I confirm that my child is healthy and capable of participating in this event. I also confirm that my child is covered by medical insurance, or, if medical insurance is not available, I agree that I will be personally responsible for the costs of any medical treatment deemed necessary.

I hereby release, relieve, indemnify, and hold harmless the Episcopal Diocese of Texas and its bishops, clergy, event coordinators, youth leaders, employees, representatives, and agents from any and all liability for any injury, illness, or property damage associated with my child's participation in this activity or travel associated with this event. In the event that my child should require medical treatment and I cannot be contacted immediately, or if contacting me is not feasible because of an emergency, I hereby give my consent to such treatment.

I understand that photos or videos of my child and others may be taken during the event, and I consent to the use of my child's photo or likeness by the Diocese of Texas in promotional materials. I acknowledge and confirm that the information listed on my child's application is true and accurate.

Please type Name of Parent/Guardian or Participant (if 18+)*
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